Sunday, 5 February 2012

The Mind Zone..and it's entrapments.

        The Matrix...and the need to disconnect.
    The entrappings of the can live in this zone for lifetimes...and maybe not know off it! 

            The role if a hypnotherapist i have embodied in this lifetime has allowed me to explore, pry and try and understand the zone of the s expansiveness, its reality, it's potentials....every new session i encounter..i am left with a new understanding- a feeling and an amazement, "Oh! Even this is possible!". Kinda " aisa bhi hota hai!"  
          The movie Inception somewhat brings this to light for it clearly states how any idea in a mind can create a reality..and that idea need not be one's can be implanted. Religious books have expounded this..we may have heard of random stories..and the experience is completely different when one encounters it and sees it in person. I guess, this is the difference between knowing and knowledge. It 's vast.
         To make it simpler, i will write as if the experience has hapenned with me.
   A horrible headache. And the complete inability to control one's thoughts and if it's not mine anymore! ( but first, we need to know and understand...what is mine!)  This started troubling me to an extent that i seeked professional help for nothing would relieve me. The causes were inexplicable. And it was bringing forth in me feelings of fear, an alien feeling. 
    What came forth in a hypnotherapy session was a scenario from a sci-fi movie. Wow! A different world...a planet of single celled beings with group consciousness who were at the lowest rungs of the development ladder..their only function replicate and exist. And for that, they needed energy. The planet on which they lived did not have an alive star of their own. Hence, they needed to "feed' off the energies of other planetary beings. Almost no individuality..except that the will to survive helped them create these grids or highways lines which they spread around to nearby solar systems which had either their own Sun or higher life.  
      these energy grids..much like the electricity grids we on earth have...would suck up energy and pulse them back to their planet. They survive. 
   ( As i read back, it sounds like the crazed mind of a sci-fi author...and makes me wonder, were they actually that or just reporting back from unseen zones. new perspectives. Time to shatter old beliefs which no longer can survive.)
    How did these parasitic lines connect with human minds...? I would like to explain simply by saying that like disease causing germs which attack weaker immune systems and jump from one to another depending on the vulnerabilty of the physical body, these 'mind -energy sucking grids also enter the energy system of a human 's mental body system at a moment of weakness. Like the pranic healers know, a burst of anger or a moment of extreme negative thought, a green notion of jealousy or the red devil of hate...all cause a momentary break in the boundaries of the mental body ...and in enter the tentacles of the energy-sucking matrix ( if they happen to be in the vicinity). Silently. The victim is unaware. The symptoms..inexplicable headaches which do not have organic origins...allopathy does not have a cure! Simply because the roots lie in the mental mind and not in the physical body. 
                  Thus, this energy -sucking line entered my mind ( to make it simple) and has been constantly living off my mind power. How does it affect me as a human? Well, i cannot make full use of my menatl faculties for i dont have a control over my memory gaps or blankness, incoherence, wavering mind, inability to could be any or all and more of such symptoms.
         i could have decided to live with it...and could have. Then again, decide to find out whats hapenning with an open mind.
   Beware! My thoughts can easily be manupilated. for e.g., one day i think...enough is enough! Lemme try the hypnotherapist...and immediately a counter thought...what nonsense! It s gibberish!
  What does one do then? Which thought is the real, mine one? Then comes the "listening to your heart" bit...for only that is the lighthouse beamer in the sea of darkness. 
       i decide to go and suddenly, my chauffeur dosent show up! Or i get a call from friend for a luncheon date. Any one of these scenarios is possible. They are just testing your own personal mind power..your belief in yourself viv-avis the belief system of another human...for you may have confided in your mother and she puh-puhes the idea for "You will be wasting money and time!"   
     Well. We all have to choose for ourselves at all times. 
  i choose to go, despite all invisible oppositions. And voila! i discover this. 
The session enables me to go to the moment of weakness and see the line entering my system. Wow!
         an intense session ensues...for which life form wants to give over control? ( do us humans as a species want to ?) The skill of the therapist is put to test. And just as a surgeon cuts off the malignant tumour to restore the physical body, the therapist cuts, sutures and heals my mental body system.  
       That's it. the virulent species no longer have any control over this life stream. Their energy lines are cut off. What happens to none of our concern...for defence is our right. Offence needs to be adressed. And it is. This body, in a time of 24 hrs...releases all symptoms and the headache, needless to say, disappears.
                      What else is there to write? 
  Know your own self. 
Know your mind...for only then can we differentiate between what is ours and someone else's. 
  for clearly, from the onset, i knew that this headache "was not mine"

Kodoish! Kodoish! kodoish!
Adonai Tsebayoth!

In the law of the One,



Wednesday, 1 February 2012

The Expansion.

Hmmm. Have been toying with the theme of this blog since a while...and wondering how do i write this? What is the reference point? At times, a teeny weeny doubt somewhere in the deepest,( probably darkest corner) of my brain...who would believe me? And then, a resounding my head ofcourse...since when do I consider that to be a deterrent! Followers of  "The Path" have to ,at innumerable  ocassions , bypass such "other people and what they will think " thought! So, i have hurdled it once again and wish to share a mighty unbelievable, yet true...experience i had around Christmas, last year. And, must mention, people have been having since time was created!
                 i meditate..sometimes for many hours in a day. Since a while, i have  consciously been in my body and stay in it while experiencing different the form of light, rays, feelings or  light beings.
        On one such ocassions, in Hospet, as i sat in a beautiful garden..under a ....well, not a Bodhi Tree.. a jamun one, the early hours of the morning...the setting, i guess, was perfect. After doing some chakra cleaning and grounding meditations...somethin ( my higher self or I AM itself) directed me to work with the energies of Gaia. And i started connecting with her...till i could feel myself completely intertwined with her. i could feel my body swaying to the beats of a base instrument which was playing somewhere in the background. As i turned towards it, i could see a no. of people..tribals of some sort, dancing in a circle, the middle of which had a large, glowing fire. A shamanic ritual.
        naturally, i found myself joining the circle and moving rhythmically to the beats of the mesmerising music.
Went into a complete trance..already in one! i guess, it just got deeper.
    At some point, i found myself sitting down in vajraasana...on my knees with outstretched arms on the floor...and as i uncurled up...i found my hands together , as if in a snake like posture..staring in the large flames of the fire.
    What ensued next...was magical.(need a new vocabulary!) In the fire, materialised a large snake..reminding me of the Sheshnag. It even had a crown...and then, it differentiated into 7, forked tongues and golden crowns..shiny, black eyes piercing mine! It swayed to the beating drums and then started rising...just rising...arising from the fire and growing taller and bigger and bigger. I am still sitting in the snake pose , watching mesmerised.
      Something made me look down at myself...and i saw myself growing. At par with the 7 headed snake. it was so natural. so beautiful. So easy. We were growing in tandem.
  How i wish i could explain this...the natural, easy movement ...the expansion. There were no thoughts in my mind, no emotions of any kind...just a watcher! A watcher within a watcher! A dream within a dream. I didnt know what was real any more!
         What is reality? Varsha sitting with her eyes closed in the garden in hospet...or the one in snake position, expanding and arising! The Earth family or the group of shamanic dancers ?  Why do i have to choose? i am both...i belong to both the families....and the many more that i cannot see.
     We just kept on growin and at some point..we stopped. i looked down...feeling what Gulliver probably felt in the land of the Lilliputs.( hmm. Was the story a metaphor..!)
   i was a giant...feeling what possibly Vaman, the Brahmin he grew and looked down on the Earth. Literally, my head was in the clouds. I looked around and could faintly see other giants..walking around the Earth. Ethereal. Silent. No sounds are heard as that zone is that of telepathy...mind reading. One dosent have to gets transferred automatically via the crystalline grid. All going about their work, their Dharma..their reason for being here, Now.
    So serene. So full of industry. So calm...yet, had an aura of power; a distinct halo of love and the beauty of knowingness in it's purest form. Wow! What a feeling.
   There was no time..and as i came back into this body and gently opened my eyes...what felt like hours was about an hr of earth time.
  Sitting silently on the green carpet of Gaia, i allowed the experience to be absorbed in my conscious mind..and then, got up to attend to my day .
  Gratitude and extreme gratefulness...humble reverence to ...who, i wonder?

                        Ssigning off....Take care.

In the law of the One,
