Welcome to the world of Energy.
If You are a neophyte, getting used to its laws and systems and methods of working/healing/empowering/realizing... or a veteran in this space...either way, you must consider these Grids as a necessary Tool of Ascension.
I might add.. as essential as the spacesuit to an astronomer on a spacewalk or a mask and gloves to be worn in a laboratory.
I wanted to share how I chanced upon these Grids.
My foray into the world of energy, seriously and methodically, began around the year 2000. I was always guided by my Higher Self from the beginning... I owe this to my dearest Grandfather, Shri Ballabh Dasji Binnany, who was one of the rare ( during those times) Shakti Seekers as well as the holder of the Violet Flame. I spent a lot of time with Him daily..from the age of 9 years till my teens..and as I look back, during those daily hours of togetherness, he passed onto me- sometimes in words but most of the times, covertly, energetic keys and codes which activated at the Divine time, as I traversed my Life Path.
It was because of his constant overlighting, in his Spirit form, that even after He physically left this Earth plane, I would find the next thing to do, easily and naturally. I was always guided by Him...till He guided me to be guided by my Higher Self. And once this was done, he took a I navigated my invisible, inside world.
And I dived into my subconscious mind...almost daily since 2000...learning my courses and workshops and getting my initiations and empowerments...reading… I started noticing the small, sometimes big ...upheavals/disturbances happening in my life. As I realized, that this is going to be a regular feature for these are the areas that need to be cleared and healed ( and then discover the hidden pot of gold and the connected skills/gifts which made everything worth its while), I also realized that while I was in this self-healing and empowering process, I needed Energetic Protection. For often, these times, I would be vulnerable or unwell or off guard or too emotional or too flighty or too low or too confused.
I communicated with my Higher Self and my Guides and Ascended Masters in my meditations and my dreams, and was insistent to the point of obstinance, that my pre-requisite to the next level of growth would be safeguarded with the appropriate next Grid level protection. I had figured the existence of these Grids in a beautiful experience I had with the Sudarshan Chakra.
One day, while I was exploring the world of Sanskrit Mantras, our family had a Maha Vishnu Anushthan on a full moon day. During the puja, the chanting of the Sudarshan Mantra was very prominent. And as the learned priests chanted, I went into deep meditation, sitting right there in the middle of all the Divinity. I am a clairvoyant and a claircognizant and what I saw being created out of the void, as the priests chanted...bought a smile of beweilderment and wonder on my face. As the invocations grew in resonance, I could see the magical appearance of golden particles around the periphery of the house. The densities gradually increased, in scynchronisation of the chanting. And in a while, formed a golden disc around the home, It stabilised in its size and density. And then, after a point, the outer rings morphed into the razor sharp ridges.That took a bit of finalising and once done,at a particular resonance of the mantra it started spinning. Slowly at first and then gathered in speed..till it became so fast that it almost became invisible.It had a harmonious rhythm and a sleek sound.It emitted sparks intermittently.
On a closer look, I saw that the sparks were actually a collision between the higher vibrations of the Sudarshan and denser, darker energies. Yes. That is what it was doing. Dissipating and transmuting and protecting our home space from energies and entities and thought forms. And as I zoomed out, into the vastness of space, I saw or rather glimpsed the gargantum Being of Shri Maha Vishnu holding the Sudarshan, as we have seen since childhood, on his finger. It was beautiful, to say the least. And in a flash, I was back in my own body and my eyes opened. The priests were chanting. The family was sitting. There was a heady aroma of the Lotus flower. And I heaved a sign of knowing.Once again, I deeply thanked the Maharishis and our forefathers.
I realized soon, that one grid is not enough. I was opening myself and everything I owned and loved, to the multidimensional world..and hence, needed many grids of varying intensities, color codes and consistencies to ensure I was self- protected in my journey, to the maximum possible in this Universe where Light and Dark were two sides of the same coin.
And over the years, I received this Energy Grid layer by one layer. It gets upgraded as and when the need arises for me and I share it with all who need it.
In the present form, this Energetic Grid of Protection has 7 Layers of Light and Love Grids in the form of Walls, Rings, Pyramids, and Stars which connect one's Antahkarana or Column of Light ( the base building block of one's Aura) to the heart of Mother Gaia and the Suns and Moons above. As one gets the sign from their Higher Self, You receive the next level upgrade to a higher dimension. One starts with the Solar Sun and then goes on to other Star systems like Pleiades, Sirius, and so on.
What are these Energy Grids or Shields?
They are the same as a boundary wall or a wall with an electric fence or a house with a burglar alarm or a hi-fi security system. They protect and empower your Aura from unwanted energy of the outside world.
They are invisible in the physical world. But HIGHLY visible in your inner world of Energy. I have received each of them from Different Ascended Masters, Gods, and Goddesses. Some from existing Teachers.
I remember getting it double checked with one of my beloved Teachers who "saw" through her opened, clairvoyant third eye, this Energy Grid all around one of my assets. She saw most of the various layers I had activated.
They are to be used for oneself, loved ones, rooms in a home or office, bank accounts, hotel rooms, events, meetings..the list is endless.
As they are activated, they start their intelligent pulsations and dissipate/ transmute lower density entities, thought forms, and energies into white light.
Psychic attacks, emotional arrows, bad eye...negative thought forms..all are dissipated and dissolved. The more You use them, the stronger and real it becomes.
You save a lot of precious time and energy for no longer do you need to be distracted/thrown off course by "outside" energies.
They, of course, allow higher density energies of love, light, and creation from outside to permeate into your world. Say the unconditional love energy from your Mother or the Divine radiated light from Maha Laxmi or the pure aid/advice from a soulmate. The energy of joy from a beautiful piece of music or the energy of pure beauty from a piece of diamond. The list is endless.
They are naturally intelligent sentient particles of love and light and adjust with your Energy field daily. Hence, somedays, the ring could be composed of lead and thick or gold and dotted. Certain days, they revolve at the speed of light around your heart chakra and third eye while other days, they choose your earth star chakra and crown chakra.
They expand naturally, as Your Aura grows...which is the natural by-product of any inner work, chantings, healings, breathwork, realizations, empowerments, and the likes ...You do in your Path.
You will feel the difference...for you can experiment with them and see how it affects You when it is "activated" say in a crowded space or a party. I have and it's fun!
They are multidimensional..multi-faceted and the list goes on and on.
Please visit the testimonials page of the website to read the benefits and effects.
How Does one Put them on?
Once I do the first session where it is implanted within your Energy Field, You have 2 options:
~ Do a Mandala of 40 days where you read the text ( which I provide) once a day or 3 a day within 22 days. Once this is done, You will have entrained your Aura with this Grid and Shield and from then onwards, just a keyword will be enough to activate and ignite it daily.
~ Or Read it weekly, guided by Your Higher Self.
Personally, I love the first option as once this is done, it' s done for your life and we just need to use the simple keyword daily to ensure it's online and activated.
I could write a thesis on this! I Am advised by my Higher Self to desist.
Guessing this would be enough…
Always available to happily answer questions and queries…
Wow Mam!! While reading I got goosebumps.. You are so powerful. Really I am very lucky to be connected with you. Thank you very much Mam